A was flown off the island this morning by emergency helicopter. We had a flurry of phone calls and texts and I rushed off to give her a hand. I have been visiting her every day, picking up her children from school, doing shopping and ferrying the husband around. I have also been a point of contact for the school and some of her other friends.
It has been a hugely emotional time. Her pregnancy was not planned although it did come as a welcome surprise, twins though were an even greater surprise and the whole pregnancy has been fraught with difficulties. There was a life threatening situation for all concerned last month when she was flown to London for treatment and an emergency operation. Stress levels are huge and we have all spent many hours crying, holding hands and laughing.
Such is friendship.
The thing is though that living on such a tiny island has its repercussions and one of them is the quality of medical advice that we have here. Basically, we either get a specialist from the UK who visits on an irregular - and extremely busy - basis or we have to make do with the local talent.
And the local talent is not always that great.
The problem here is the overloaded medical system, the lack of resources, the small talent pool and the expense of living here. Combine that with high alcoholism (and the associated injuries) and the problem is compounded.
Anyway A is now in an overseas hospital and we are all on round the clock watch. Two babies, one mum, two siblings still here being babysat by all of us and an anxious husband dashing between the two countries. The grandparents flying in as I type....