Wednesday, 13 December 2006

Blast from the Past

I got one of those emails today that put a little spring into your step. This guy that I knew about twenty years ago (that's tellling isn't it!) emailed me and said he was blasting down a highway in Australia when a song came on the radio and he remembered that it was a song I used to play all the time.

You know how certain songs feel like they were written for you alone?

Anyway, I played this song for this guy and said it was my theme song. And I had totally forgotten about this until today. The song "This Will be the Day Your Life will Surely Change" by The The caught my attention because at the time I was studying for a law degree. I was working as a paralegal and not particularly happy doing either. I remember playing this song constantly never realizing that I really did have a choice: to continue in a course I wasn't happy with or walk away.

And I remember sitting and listening morning of the exam and deciding that I wasn't going to take the exams. My life couldn't go that way.

And it hasn't

Thank Christ.

Anyway, the thing is getting that email was such a wonderful little gift. It made me remember something I had forgotten. It made me smile. It made me think of Victor and appreciate his kindness in writing to me.

And it made me glad that I never sat my Torts law examination all those years ago.

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