Monday, 22 January 2007

Some things I do know!

We went out for dinner the other night. Fabulous food, great company but I ended up getting into an argument with the host. I know it was wrong of me but I couldn't help myself.

The thing is that there are some things that I do know about.

I won't argue banking with a banker. Or Argentinian politics with Argentinians. I will defer to anyone who wants to discuss farming. Or Japanese politics. I know nothing about mathematics. Hopeless at physics, science, business news. Useless at European politics unless Anne Boleyn is mentioned. Can't speak German. I know nothing about cars other than what colour they are and I can't discuss soccer, rugby, cricket or tennis.

But there are some things I do know and it is very hard not to say something when it is in my area of knowledge.

I know about campaign finance. I actually know a shit-load about this. I know about literature. I am good at research. Not bad at IT stuff (but not great!) I am learning about photography.

The thing is though that this guy was talking about Hong Kong and I DO know about Hong Kong.

I worked as a writer there. I reviewed restaurants and was a guest of the Consul at his private residence. I did freelance writing (which gave me an excuse to poke my nose everywhere!) and I had local friends. I helped arrange the first writers festival in Hong Kong and I put on art shows for multinational corporations. I toured illegal kitchens, ate snake and turtle, did mountain running during a typhoon and rowed to Macau in a canoe. I worked for one of the Chambers of Commerce. I did courses on Chinese medicine and taught beauty therapists about Brazillian waxing. I paddled in a dragon boat team for many years. I hiked and was in a group that explored the seamier side of life. I stayed at Chung King Mansions. My children went to a local school. I stayed overnight in a brothel, dressed up as a jockey at the Happy Valley Race Track. I was in the Apple Daily. I worked as a lingerie model. I learnt Cantonese (badly). I bargained, photographed, interviewed. I gave birth in a local hospital. I wrote porn. I was presented to Prince Edward.

And this guy was saying things that while they were probably very true when he was living there weren't true anymore.

And he wouldn't back down.

I wanted to jump up and down and yell and say "NO!!!! I know Hong Kong. You can have every other subject that you want. Talk about business and banking and Dubai and Brunei and Malaysia. Talk about cars and sports and travel and global warming. Talk about gardening and sailing and Mendel's theory of genetics. I don't care and I will be polite and smile and do all the right stuff.

But you know what? Sometimes ... just sometimes ... I won't.

1 comment:

expat@large said...

But I WANT to talk about campaign funding!

And one thing I know is that you'd like Singapore - so many opportunities to upset people!