Monday, 4 June 2007

Exam time, cram time...but in which country?

The kid are studying right now for the big end of year exams. These results will help determine which school they go to, only the big question remains unanswered ... in which country?

How can I inspire them to study for exams when we are still in a muddle about where we will be living? The fact that we don't have a written contract yet is weird. Is the banker's employer they just dragging their heels and particularly slow, or is there a problem?

We have no idea and I am now so over this whole process. It has been about eight months of total uncertainty and confusion.

In the beginning, there was the talks with the kids about "we'll be leaving here soon" so we didn't book sumer holidays, sign up for school trips in 2008, make plans to bring family over because "who knows where we will be living?"

And of course all these conversations were parcelled up in bright tones and happy faces to try and inspire the children to look at this upheaval in a positive way.

"Won't it be so exciting?" And "Where would you like to move?" and "Won't it be fun to be somewhere new?"

The answers varied. Some times it was a very disgruntled and curt "no."

Other times there was some marginal excitement. If there was a bad day at school, then there was a definite "Yeah, I can't wait to leave here and the sooner, the better!"

After that we progressed to the "let's get things sorted out stage". We cleared out old papers, culled clothing that didn't fit and passed on toys that were of no use to hospitals and homes. We did inventories and started doing research on possible places and countries we may be relocating to.

Then we moved to the "let's make do stage".

"Sweetheart, I know your school uniform is a bit small but we can't really buy a new one for such a short period of time. You'll just have to make do until we get to the new place."

After that came the "let's eat everything in the freezer stage." This was shortly followed by the "let's drink everything in the drinks cabinet stage".

Baked beans, beetroot, canned tomatoes and rum cocktails for dinner. Very surreal meals have been gracing our dinner plates as we plough through odd cans, packets and bottles amassed over the last three years. Why did I ever buy so much miso? Or dandelion tea? How do I use mackerel, quinoa, and wakame all washed down with tequila, scotch and Kahlua.

Then we had the excitement stage "only two months and we should know something. Things are getting closer to a decision!"

"Soon we will know."

"Maybe next week we will know."

"Dont bother us, we'll let you know when we know!"

Then we had the "Oh my God I think we have an answer!" but this was almost immediately followed by the "let's wait till we have something in writing" stage.

We are still waiting though....

Now I am at the ostrich stage. I'm just going to ignore this whole messy, complicated, powerless, worrying, stressful, complicated process and carry on as though I am living here forever.

Large jars of peanut butter on sale at the supermarket? Yep, I'll buy two. New clothes? Yep bugger it, I'm buying new school clothes.

Drag me out when I am good and ready now.

You've mucked us around for far, far too long.

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