Saturday, 9 June 2007


The exams have finished!!

Thank God.

It has been a hard slog getting the kids to focus and then helping them to commit to this for the ten days off that they had from school. These exams were very important for two of them - they are entry points for schooling and getting a good (or at least reasonable) result means that they are much better placed as far as education is concerned with more choices and options, regardless of where we will be living.

For B, in particular, these exams were important, as many of the schools are selective and for him to get admittance he needs a specific grade point average across all subjects even those ones that I am not really motivated or fussed about such as religious education. Previously he was sitting at a rather spectacular 40% in RE but this time he had to get a minimum of 55% . So rather than attempting to teach him something that I don't really know about or care to focus on, we addressed the specifics of exams techniques, how to memorise facts, summarising, preparing charts, mnemonics, exam techniques, comprehension, studying strategies etc. B was pretty keen about it all and spent around 4 hours a day studying which I hope will make a difference.

Z on the other hand made the whole process as much fun as pulling teeth. Just getting hm to sit still on a chair felt like a feat of achievement. He squirmed and fidgeted and twisted thrugh the entire ten days but now, as the results start to come though, he must have been absorbing something as he has done better this year than in previous years. A solid performance which is pleasing: around the high 70% for most subjects.

H was fixated on a project involving kookaburras - twigs, feather, clay, sellotape all disappreared into her bedroom only to emerge as a heavily laden cardboard sheet encrusted with various examples of a a kookaburra's life.

Right now though things are lovely. All the study folders and papers have disappeared from the dining room table, the sun is out and we are on the countdown to sumer holidays. I don't have to nag or cajole anymore and the only thing on at school are fun activities - sailing, swimming, arts, surfing.

A summer hiatus.

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