Monday 2 July 2007

Boasting mama!

School Sports Day today and the two boys totally cleaned up.

B won the hurdles, the 75m, the 200m, the 400m, the 800m, the relay, the tug of war and the long jump. He also won the outstanding athlete trophy as well as officially being the fastest boy in the school.

Z won the hurdles, the 75m and the relay.

What a day. The best thing was that they were racing against boys almost twice their size. In one race Z who weighs about 28kg was racing a boy who weighs 80kg!

It was just a perfect day. The sun came out and the boys blitzed it!!

The little guys rock!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great result. Pass on my congrats to them both!!A very positive way to finish the school year.